
The adaptation of signs and symbols to assist primary school teachers with the management of their students.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Designing the Final Piece

Having gathered all the information and comments from the interviews that I could and sifted through them to take out the main points, I sat down and began to design my signs. There is nothing I enjoy more than sitting down in front of the computer and beginning to design some new concept or other. I had already filled a sketchbook with possible designs and had a pretty good idea what I was going to do. The plan was to keep the signs simple but colourful and eye-catching.
I designed 22 signs- 10 were mild commands like "put your hand up", "keep in line", "no talking" and the other 12 were indicating which lesson was about to take place. These signs were designed to be placed on a board in front of the class so the teacher could indicate the point she wanted to make, either the lesson they were about to have or a particular command she wanted to make.
I also designed a further 10 signs for the special needs children. They were slightly different in colour and size as they were designed to be placed on the desk of the child by the special needs teacher. The teacher I interviewed was very helpful and told me which colours to use etc.

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